Obituary of Marianne Marguerite McTighe
Marianne McTighe, age 99, passed away peacefully on April 5, 2023. She was the daughter of the late John A. McTighe and Marguerite Lees McTighe.
She attended Scranton public schools and graduated from Central High School in 1941. She received her undergraduate degree from Marywood College in 1945. In 1953, she received a Masters Degree from the same institution. From July 1945 to July 1946 she was on the library staff of the Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. From July 1946 through November 1986, she was a member of the University of Scranton library staff. In 2003 she moved from Scranton to the Brooks Estates on the campus of Wesley Village.
She was a member of the St. Maria Goretti Parish, Laflin, PA.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by a younger sister, Marguerite, who died in 1935 and cousin Timothy Vassil that recently passed away.
Surviving are her cousins, children of the late Jeromine Lees Vassil (Victor), Margo Kirschner(Bob), James Vassil (Marie), Vincent Vassil (Dina), MaryBeth Gibson (Mac), Chris Smith (Pete).
A Funeral Mass will be held in Cumming, GA at a later date. Marianne, you were loved and will be missed.